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Advertise Free on u4it

A free advertisement on u4it.com is immediately submitted with
it's category and archive location to major search engines which
informs the major engines of both your ad and your web site.

We create a new category for your ad if it doesn't fit nicely
into one already in place. The latest ads display on the front
page of u4it.com, and when they eventually cycle off the bottom
they remain in place in the categories and archives until you
ask us to remove them.

To advertise free you must have a web site and place a return
link to u4it on your site. This eliminates affiliate spam ads
common on non-professional ad sites and ensures the search
engines take the listings on u4it.com more seriously. We'll be
linking to you on several pages, so it's only fair that you
link back.

Contact u4it.com by email if you would like us to quote for
creating a new web site for you, or quote for advertising
without a decent return link.

To submit a free ad:-

Either email u4it or post the text content of your ad in the
form below. Format your ad description as follows and we'll do
our best to make it look nice:

1. New or existing category you would like to place the ad in.

2. Subject Header / Title of your ad.

3. Text content of the ad (no email addresses will be displayed)

4. URL (web address) you would like us to link your ad to.

5. Any image URLs (addresses of images on the web), and/or the
image descriptions.

6. location of your link to u4it.com


Post an advert or make a comment

(Your advert or message may need to be approved by the site owner before it will appear. Thanks for waiting.)

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